Balance is key & I hold the scales


Goddess of Balance and Harmony

Goddess of balance & harmony


When Peach harnesses the power of chaos, her appearance transforms into that of a formidable goddess, donning a long, dark gown that seems to ripple with malevolent energy. In contrast, when she channels the power of protection, she radiates a serene aura, and her flowing white gown appears to be made of light itself, imbuing her with a sense of peaceful authority. Her appearance is a reflection of the power she wields, evoking either fear or reverence in those who witness it.

Goddess of balance & harmony


Long ago, a forbidden love blossomed between two powerful deities in a world where numerous gods and goddesses of various forces ruled. The God of Chaos, Neros, and the Goddess of Protection, Amara, fell deeply in love and had a daughter whom they named Peach. However, despite the miracle of Peach, their love was still forbidden and was not accepted by the other gods. They all deemed their union and offspring threats to the universe's balance. Determined to protect their daughter, Neros and Amara faked the death of Peach and sent her to Earth right before they met their ultimate demise. Hoping she’d never have to face the revolt of the gods, they entrusted her safety to a cat robot named Baita.As Peach grew up on Earth and was raised by her robotic companion, she remained unaware of her true identity and the potent powers that lay within her. She lived a typical life but always felt a sense of unease and an unexplainable desire to bring peace and balance to the world. Oblivious to her celestial origins, she unconsciously locked those uncomfortable feelings deep within herself.One day, while walking in the woods, Peach stumbled upon a group of animals fighting over a scarce food source. Unsure of what to do or how to help, something magical happened. A divine magnetic force quickly and quietly wisped her amidst the creatures to not startle them. A lovely, ethereal voice in her head beckoned Peach to pet the critters with her hand. To Peach’s astonishment, a strong yet relaxing aura emanated from her fingertips and into the unsettled animals, instantly calming and restoring harmony to the forest with a single touch. Peach had awakened her powers as a goddess of harmony and balance.Peach used her gifts to heal the sick, placate the angry, and bring peace to those in conflict. All the while, Baita remained by her side, continually watching over her and ensuring her safety from the attraction of those who murdered her parents years before. As her powers grew, she became known by the public as a bringer of peace and harmony. People came from far and wide to seek her aid and guidance. Despite her newfound fame, Peach remained humble, compassionate, and faithful to her mission of bringing balance to the world.However, deep inside, Peach struggled to understand the duality within her heart. At most times, she would feel a deep sense of calm and tranquility, as if she were one with the universe. But occasionally, she felt a dark, intense, chaotic energy swirling throughout her core, idly waiting to erupt. It was as if she were at war with herself. Frightened and in immense pain, she turned to Baita for answers; but even her cleverest companion couldn't explain what was happening to her.As Peach traveled across the land, searching for answers, she encountered a wise cat spirit named Morii, who was able to offer some insight. After examining the energetic forces within Peach’s body, Morii explained that she had inherited her parents' opposing traits: Neros’ complex chaos and Amara’s serene protection. This duality within one body was both a blessing and a curse because it allowed Peach to bring forth extraordinary forces of balance and harmony into the world, but it would come at a tremendous price.The cat spirit continued to describe to Peach the delicate balance between yin and yang, light and dark, love and hate. She also explained that energy could never be fully taken away since that defied the laws of the universe. She told Peach that all the peace she was creating was awakening the dormant chaos that had settled within her. It was accumulating and attaching itself to her peaceful nature in reaction to the shifts in energy, causing her body to become and act as the proverbial counterbalance. Everything in the universe came with a cost; her good-intentioned actions still had consequences. She had unconsciously placed the disordered energy in a box, not knowing she had to alchemize it into a different form. Now Peach had to learn how to balance the scale before her body combusted.Peach was determined to learn how to embrace her chaotic nature and use it to change her surroundings but not let the chaotic force wholly consume her. However, Peach was often faced with the temptation to give in to the chaos she could wield. The power was overwhelming, and she knew that with just a flick of her wrist, she could tip the scales in her favor. The dark energy called to her, promising to release her from the constant burden of maintaining balance.Peach's amassed destructive powers were fearsome to behold. Whenever she unleashed them, it appeared as a dark, swirling vortex of energy that emerged from within her. This vortex in the palm of her hand could rip apart the very fabric of reality itself. Little to Peach’s knowledge, this was exactly what the gods were concerned with. Yes, Neros was the God of Chaos, but he had never learned to harness the power in such a tactile way, nor was he interested in doing so. He solely served as the vessel to offset the universe. The gods had decided to eradicate whoever controlled this ability if they themselves weren’t in control of the wielder. This was a dangerous line Peach was walking, as each time she activated this side of her for an extended amount of time, more notice was being brought to Earth.As Peach started to learn to control her powers, she found that she could channel the destructive energy in a more focused manner towards specific targets; though the voice in the back of her mind still whispered at her to just give in to the darkness. Her forces of harmony and balance were equally impressive, manifesting as a glowing, golden light that radiated calm and tranquility. She also learned to imbue both light and dark energies simultaneously, creating a thoroughly powerful effect, although it strained her exceptionally each time she embarked on that trajectory. As Peach continued her journey, she learned to embrace her true identity. With Baita and Morii by her side, she knew that no matter the challenges ahead, she would always have the support and protection she needed to fulfill her destiny as the goddess of harmony and balance. With the gods and goddesses who overthrew her parents slowly recognizing the cause of the unnatural shift in Earth’s energies, Peach will need all the help she can get.

A Poem Titled

Dance of harmony

In a world where chaos reigned, a goddess was born,
Peach, the bringer of balance, from the heavens torn.
With a heart full of light, and darkness within,
She walked a path of harmony, her journey to begin.
Oh, Peach, the goddess fair,
With powers vast, beyond compare.
Through light and dark, she finds her way,
Guiding souls to peace each passing day.
Her touch calms the storms, soothes the raging seas,
A gentle whisper of peace, carried on the breeze.
Yet deep inside her, chaos stirs and yearns,
A dance of light and dark, as the world turns.
She wields the power of protection, a shield so strong,
Guarding the weak, righting every wrong.
But in her core, the chaos does reside,
A constant battle within, where two worlds collide.
She walks a tightrope, finding balance's embrace,
Harnessing both sides, her powers interlace.
For in the dance of light and dark, she learns,
That harmony is born when opposing forces yearn.
In her journey of balance, she hopes to thrive,
Peach, the goddess of harmony, keeping hope alive.
With her heart as her compass, she'll light the way,
Bringing peace and unity, come what may.

Goddess of balance & harmony


Character & mascot art: SailorLeyla
Bikini Outfit: Arklys
Rigging: Geroku-san
Lore: Peachuri
Lore assistance: Cloudberry
Lore video art: Peachuri
Lore video editor: QuantumL34p
Overlays: Nyan Studio
Chat widget: mattsquare_
BGM: KindredS0ULz
3D Baita & ASMR BG: QuantumL34p
Logo: TaegiDesigns & Arklys
Emotes: Arklys
Emote Animation: Úrsula

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